Architect Kim Cooper's visit to Brighton

It is always helpful for us to receive feedback in order to understand how we can improve the experience of visiting the gallery. So I was delighted when Louise showed me an email she had received from one of our customers.   My thanks to  Kim Cooper for allowing us to share it with you.

Alice Sheppard Fidler ; Thistledown

I was in Brighton having a short break - as a sole practitioner (I’m an architect) it’s good to get away and visit places I have not been to before when I get the chance, all work and no play!

For me this usually means somewhere out of season - but I like that as it adds another dimension to the experience of the visit - and avoids holiday crowds!

I loved the Royal Pavilion - it more than lived up to my expectations - very impressed with John Nash’s structural solution and Frederick Crace's interiors - what a combination of talent!

Wherever I go I like to seek out art galleries and having explored The Lanes, like everyone else, was drawn to your gallery, an oasis of tranquility after all those jewellery shops!

I liked the collection of works on display and enjoyed having a closer look - then I noticed paintings by Alice Sheppard Fidler. I am a sucker for impressionistic style paintings and have collected quite a few over the years - I think it’s because in my everyday life I am governed by the constraints of straight lines and geometric formality. Impressionist views are the antithesis of this and suggest a freedom of thought that often allows a more creative interpretation of our built environments and rural landscapes - you can see things you are familiar with but in a different way through the prism of another person's interpretation. Gosh that sounds a bit heavy!

Anyway I liked her work and had some difficulty making my mind up as to which one I would like to own. I settled on THISTLEDOWN - maybe I will see what else she is doing from time to time!

It was an enjoyable experience for me to visit the gallery and, with your help, choosing something that will remind me of my visit to Brighton. It’s always good to have a story to attach to things you enjoy!


Q&A with Jonathan Smith


Q&A with Jonathan Barrett-Danes